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Same-Day CEREC Crowns

Patients will always play an active role in deciding how they want their smile to look and feel. Our treatments are always coupled with up-to-date research and expertise to ensure that your concerns are addressed in a timely manner. Call us at (209) 532-7418 to learn more.
CAD CAM dental computer-aided machine

Dental crowns are a restorative treatment that replaces most natural crowns to address advanced decay or damage. Traditionally, a dental crown treatment would take multiple visits to achieve. The first visit would prepare the tooth for a permanent crown and put a temporary one in its place. Impressions taken during the procedure would be sent to a lab, where the final crown would be manufactured. You would then return to have the permanent crown replaced. Morning Star Dentistry is proud to offer same-day crowns thanks to its in-office restoration milling system. Learn more about CEREC and same-day crowns below!

Did you know…

that traditional crowns require at least two office visits to place? In fact, it can take weeks to get a crown using the traditional process of preparing the tooth, taking an impression and waiting for a dental lab to return the restoration to your dentist’s office. That is double the waiting room time, double the time off work and double the time spent in a dentist’s chair than if you chose a same-day crown.

Introducing Same-Day Crowns At Morning Star Dentistry

Returning multiple times to get dental crowns isn’t a convenient option for anyone. We have invested in the Chairside Economical Restorations of Esthetic Ceramic (CEREC) system. CEREC makes performing a dental crown restoration possible in a single visit. Using a suite of dental technology, including 3D photography and CAD/CAM, we can take precise impressions and mill the necessary restoration on-site.

The CEREC system uses special infrared cameras to create a perfect optical impression of your teeth. Its 3D software then uses the resulting images to develop a model of your restoration, which is then milled right there in office. The entire process involves the following steps:

  • Tooth Preparation: The initial stage of receiving a same-day crown is eliminating any existing decay and infection from the tooth. This process takes place under local anesthesia.
  • Digital Impression: After the tooth has been prepared to receive your new restoration, the CEREC system comes into play. The infrared cameras will produce the necessary images to create the 3D digital model of your target site.
  • CEREC Design and Fabrication: Using the aforementioned 3D digital model, the CEREC milling system will produce the necessary restoration. Before the milling begins, Dr. Liggett will choose a milling block that matches the natural color of your tooth.
  • Crown Adjustment: Once the restoration has been completed, Dr. Liggett will do some final adjustments to ensure it can easily fit in place and matches your bite comfortably.
  • Ceramic Tooth Bonding: After completing the necessary adjustments, the restoration will be permanently affixed in place. It will then be polished and cleaned to complete the look.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the CEREC system work?

Your dentist will anesthetize your tooth and prepare it for a crown. The E4D CAD/CAM technology does not require the use of traditional dental impressions. Instead, the system takes a digital impression of your teeth and gums, transferring it into the CAD/CAM software system. The computer produces a 3-D image, making it possible for dental providers to customize a restoration and modify it according to your individual needs. The finalized restoration is then milled in the office, rather than a lab, and cemented in place the same day.

Are Same-day CEREC crowns of the same quality as traditional crowns?

CAD/CAM restorations are milled from a combination of tooth-colored materials like porcelain and composite – the same metal-free restoration you might receive from a dental lab. These metal-free crowns are strong, durable and designed to last many years. CEREC restorations take approximately 20 minutes to manufacture. If necessary, your dentist can also polish and adjust the color of your restoration to match that of your other teeth before you leave the office.

How should I care for a new crown?

CEREC same-day crowns are not temporary, so you can return to normal eating habits nearly immediately. However, as with any tooth-colored restoration, you will need to avoid chewing on ice or hard objects that could chip your restoration. Continue to brush and floss daily, and talk with your dentist about getting a night guard if you tend to clench or grind your teeth at night.

What To Expect After Receiving Same-Day Crowns

After your procedure, the treatment site can remain sore for several hours. Once the soreness has passed, local sensitivity may remain for hours or several days. This discomfort can be addressed using over-the-counter medications. In most cases, you’ll be able to return to eating your favorite foods in a relatively short time. If you think you could benefit from same-day crowns, it’s time to schedule your consultation with Dr. Justin Liggett at our office in Sonora, CA. The team at Morning Star Dentistry is excited to restore the beauty and function of your smile with same-day crowns!

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